Noel Joel
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
John 10:10 NLT
New Year’s Eve with Billy Joel
For Christmas, my husband wrote me a poem, “Noel Joel.” In it, he revealed a surprise—tickets to see Billy Joel in New York City on New Year's Eve. I could hardly contain my excitement! It was on my bucket list.
The day of travel arrived quickly, and before I knew it, December 30th was here. Our journey from our small Alabama town involved three flights, but every minute of it was worth it. As we touched down at JFK Airport, I couldn't stop smiling. That night at the hotel, sleep was elusive. I felt like a little girl again, filled with the kind of excitement I hadn’t felt in years—like Christmas Eve.
The next morning, we hit the subway, visited the Empire State Building, had lunch with friends, took a carriage ride through Central Park, and enjoyed dinner in Greenwich Village. Though I had been to New York City twice before, this visit was special. The first time, I was a poor college student focused on free attractions. The second time, I was there on business with limited time to explore. This trip, my sweet husband indulged me, and we managed to visit as many tourist sites as possible in just a few hours.
The concert began at 9 PM. As we found our seats, I could hardly believe it was finally happening. Billy Joel walked to his piano, which began to rotate as the lights illuminated him, and he opened with "Movin' Out." Tears filled my eyes.
This was why I had gotten sober eleven years ago—to experience life to its fullest. I kissed my husband’s cheek and thanked him for the thoughtful gift. Marriage is not easy, but I couldn’t imagine going through life with anyone else. He understood me and loved me unconditionally, just like my Father in Heaven.
As I sang along, happiness bubbled up inside me. This is why God created us—to honor Him and enjoy the world He made for us. I cherished that moment and thanked God for it. It was truly a bucket list night.
Biblical Lesson
God did not create us to be sad and fearful. He intended for us to enjoy the beautiful world around us. We can choose to sit in our homes and focus on the negatives, or we can embrace the good.
The enemy seeks to steal our joy and destroy our dreams, but we must not let him succeed! God has given each of us a purpose. When you embrace this purpose, you will experience a rich and fulfilling life. If you are unsure of what your purpose is, ask Him! He will reveal it to you.
While you are living out your purpose, take the time to enjoy it! Stop and smell the flowers. Attend that concert. Take that trip. God wants you to be happy. If grand adventures feel out of reach, start small. Begin a hobby you’ve always put off.
As you plant flowers in your new pot, take a moment to thank God for the future blooms. He is present in every experience.
Lord, thank you for the beautiful life you have blessed me with. As I go through my day, help me to cherish and enjoy every blessing you have graciously provided. Amen.